Model 60 Flow Sensor

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The submersible, loop-powered METER-MASTER MODEL 60 Flow Sensor uses a magnetic sensor to digitize a meter’s magnetic drive signal and then converts the signal into a 4-20mA current output. The linear output is proportional to the meter’s flow rate. The 20mA (maximum) flow rate is calibrated at the factory to equal any flow rate desired by the customer for any meter. Please specify the meter make, model, and size along with the desired 20mA flow rate when ordering.

Meter-Master set-up in the field is simple, requiring only velcro straps to secure the sensor in position. If desired, the sensor may be epoxied to the meter. No electrical or mechanical connection to the meter is required. Typically, the sensor is placed on the side of the water meter’s register with the sensor cable going straight up or down.

An LED continually flashes with the magnetic pulses generated by the meter, which allows the user both to check the sensor location during installation and to verify that the Model 60 is working properly. Each LED flash equals one North-South pole combination on the meter’s drive magnets.